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We know that God is working in the hearts and lives of future home missionaries that He intends to use to plant new Evangelical Friends Churches and Ministries.


If you are feeling a call to explore opportunities as a Home Missionary, we want to talk to you! Let’s explore the possibilities of partnering together to take the Gospel to home mission fields across the region!


To start the conversation, please contact Randy Littlefield, Director of Multiplication Ministries at


How do you know if you are a home missionary?

There is no “one-size-fits-all” for whom God calls to Home Missions service, and there is no magical test that answers that question; however, EFC-MAYM uses a series of essential self-assessment tests that helps us to explore possibilities as a future home missionary.


We suggest that you start with the Planter Profile, a free downloadable self-assessment, to help you gauge whether or not you want to continue with the other assessments. Most of these instruments have a Spanish version. All of the instruments together will cost you under $75 and will take four to five hours to complete. Since this may be the most important decision you will make in ministry, it is well worth the investment. Let’s get started.



Our Process

Here are steps that are often followed, in a courting process between EFC-MAYM and a ‘future home missionary’ before either party makes a decision to start a planting project together. After each step, it should be asked: “Does God continue to lead you and Friends towards each other for home missions service?” 


  1. While there are numerous ministry models, we believe most fit under one of two broad planting approaches, and thus, we have developed two Planter Profiles. You may want to complete both. 

  2. Complete the other self-assessments (Myers-Briggs, Spiritual Gifts, APEST, Pre-assessment Questionnaire)

  3. Complete the EFC-MAYM Planter Packet

  4. Submit a spousal support letter, if applicable. If a couple is planting together, this step is not necessary.

  5. Meet with a ‘clearness committee,’ which is a group of friends and church leaders who would listen to your story of calling, help affirm your ministry direction, and make recommendations.

  6. Meet with the General Supt. and complete the Planter Commitment Covenant

  7. After the board sanctions the Planter, most home missionaries begin “on the ground” service, after taking the following steps: 

    1. EFC-MAYM provides support-raising training.

    2. EFC-MAYM provides a coach to encourage and support you on the Journey 

    3. Invite people to partner with you in prayer and commitments for financial support

    4. EFC-MAYM provides planter training that is consistent with your ministry model

    5. Study church planting and missional ministry. Learn all that you can.

    6. EFC-MAYM partners with you to build a Partner Advisory Team to provide leadership and support as you move through the Journey Toward Maturity 

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